Monday, February 16, 2009

Tragedy in Utah

In good old Utah, a woman who had not cut her fingernails in 30 years, yes you read that correct, had her nails broken in a car crash. How sad is that? Her longest nail was around 35 inches long. That is about 3 feet in length. She was injured in the car crash, but is expected to make a full recovery.

No offense to her, but I hope to be remembered for something more than just questionable hygiene. Can you imagine asking her--Hey honey, can you give me a back massage? Or, hey honey, I dropped some marbles on the floor, will you pick those up for me? Also, though those nails are impressive, I just want to say that anyone that age that can wear skintight leather/pleather/vinyl pants deserve a round of applause. Good on her!

I will say that I don't think I could be more proud of this great state of Utah that is able to boast of having one of its own succeed in owning a world record that probably no one else wanted.


Brodi Ashton said...

Eeewwwwww... Seriously gross. Now, if she had grown out her toenails, that would be cool.

zoe said...

EW!!! How did her fingernails even fit in the car in the first place?

nielsons*love*family said...

well not sure which is worse, the nails or her light blue hair?? (ok on my computer her haird looks light blue...ALL of it!) is it?

Anonymous said...

I really think I would throw up if I saw those nails. Long nails give me the heebie jeebies.

Melissa Papaj Photography said...

I saw this lady one day at St. Mark's hospital and couldn't help but stare. I found your blog on the Feedjit log.