If you haven't had a chance to visit my lovely wife's blog, then you need to, immediately:
Brodi's blog It is fabulous, witty and always entertaining. This past Wednesday, she had a discussion of spiders which is worth a read.

Anyway, so here is my story--Before Brodi and I moved to London, we lived in a great little basement apartment in Holladay. It was a great place. Well, about 2 weeks before we were to move out, disaster struck. This was back in the 'light scented candles' everywhere phase that everyone seemed to be doing. Well, we had a lighted scented candle in our bathroom. So, Brodi and I are just hanging out and all of a sudden, we hear this big cracking noise. We go running in to the bathroom and the hot candle, underneath the huge mirror in our bathroom...well, it heated up the mirror and sent a huge crack right thru it. Yeah, there goes our security deposit.

Then, 1 week before we were to move out...Brodi is in the other room and I found a big spider crawling up our wall. I yelled to her that I found a spider, and being the cool man that I am, I needed to step in and save my wife and capture/kill/murder/mutilate this spider. I thought of slamming my shoe on it but realized that would leave marks of spider death on our wall. So, I had a genius idea. You know those sticky spider traps? The traps that are basically glue, a spider walks into it and is stuck to die? The pic on the left is not ours...but pretty impressive work of catching about 200 spiders there. Well, I went and grabbed one of these traps from the other room. My fabulous plan was to use the gluey part and basically touch it against the back of the spider as it went up the wall. Voila, a captured spider. My depth perception however was not as good as I thought. Yeah, I got the back of the spider as well as the wall with the gluey part. Crap. I was now in full blown panic. I slowly tried to pull it off the wall...to no avail. I tried a bit harder and yes, you guessed it, took out a chunk of the wall with it. Dead spider, chunk of wall. Egads.
Let me just say--Brodi was not impressed. I then spent the next couple of days trying to find the right paint and caulk to try and fix the hole in the wall. I finally got it repainted over the hole...but if you put down new paint next to old paint--pretty noticeable. So, I mixed in some dirt and dust and brushed it away.
We were never charged for the hole mistake. I don't know how except my mixture of paint, tv dust and garden dirt plus a bad mixture of caulk and water must have somehow covered up the fact that I put a 3 inch hole in the wall. I still haven't recovered from this mistake and I get the chills ever time I see one of those stupid glue spider traps (our boy's pajamas touched one of those accidentally...could never get it separated from the trap...pajamas went into the garbage) For some reason, Brodi did not leave me. I think she has stayed with me to see how many more genius moves I will attempt.