Sunday, January 17, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

I can't believe that I just turned 30! (I may be off on that age by a year or two). We had a good weekend filled with ice skating (complete and utter disaster...if God intended us to walk on ice, we would have been born with a blades attached to our feet), sledding (rockin'...Becks loves to sit on my lap as we go down the hill until he gets sprayed with snow and then he frantically climbs onto my lap resulting in a disaster crash), sleep over at the condo on Midway (fun, though not much sleep) to go along with basketball watching, good food eating and other fun times.

Birthday night was spent sitting on the couch with the perfect birthday conclusion--a Jazz game, a book, a Tab and 2 pop tarts. Yay for me. I don't enjoy getting older.


nielsons*love*family said...

sounds like a great way to spend a birthday.

and you don't look a DAY over 29~

Brodi Ashton said...

Happy Birthday. I'm so happy you were born, and that you are a Ute fan, and that we met.

also known as shell said...

what flavor of pop tart?