We are having a couple of rooms painted this week. Our house has that nice latex painty kind of smell. For some reason, the paint job that I did a few years ago was not quite good enough for Brodi. I have no idea why she wanted a professional to repaint those rooms. I think I worked around that wall hook rather nicely.

We took the boys bowling this past week. You all probably didn't know this...but I was a superstar bowler back in my college days. OK, that is going too far, but I did take a bowling class at the UofU. I was in quite a groove back then and could regularly bowl in the high 100s...around 180 on average. Those days are long gone. But I can still do some trick bowling and I have a mean between the legs shot. Carter liked it so much that he tried it. The ball went so slow down the lane that when it hit the pin, the ball slowly ricocheted off of the pin and went to the other side and hit another pin. It was truly impressive.

We also spent time at the video arcade where Carter showed us how to do it with the fighting machine...while Brodi used her sniper like skills to mow down the bad guys with her guns. There was a line behind Brodi of a bunch of little kids wanting to play, but nobody gets in Brodi's way when she can shoot cartoonish characters on an arcade game.
Update on the apples - the tree is now completely bare of apples. No more driveway applesauce. The birds are sad because there is no more fruit dinner for them. I have almost 2 years of rest now before the apples come back with a vengeance.