I care about the environment. When we bought our current house, it had the old school toilets. If I remember right, one of toilets was a nice peach colored one (you can never go wrong with a peach colored toilet) and I believe it even had the wood seat (Classy!). You would flush the toilet and the water would swirl around for 2-3 minutes and slowly disappear and 9 gallons of water later, it took care of your business.
So we upgraded to fabulous toilets. DO NOT GET ME STARTED on toilet talk. I could go on for hours and I apologize to all of you that have had to listen to me talk about it. Anyway, we replaced 3 of the 4 toilets in our house with the water conservation toilets and they work great.

But, I found a new toilet. It uses even loss water and takes care of your waste. The EcoJohn. How does it work? It BURNS up your waste. That is correct. It basically incinerates your waste. Gone. As you can see by the picture, it actually has a chimney. Who hasn't wanted a toilet with a chimney attached? It needs the things a typical toilet would need--a chimney, a power source and a propane tank. Typical, huh?
So, after burning up your waste, what do you end up with? After a few months, you need to take out the cup full of ash out of your toilet. Yes, ash. Yes, about a cup full of it. They recommend that you can then spread it in your garden as a 'fertilizer.' Anyway, I will let one of you buy it first and try it out...and if you do, I am sooooo coming over to your house. http://www.ecojohn.com/index.html