It has been a while since I spotlighted something we did in Utah, usually a touristy type of spot, so here you go (if you are interested in seeing past 'adventures', click on the Tourist labels on the left side of the blog and you can see some of the things we have done. I took the boys and headed up with my sisters and their families up to
This is the Place state park. I don't know what it is about that place, but it always feels about 10 degrees hotter there than it does anywhere else in the city.

We had a great time. We saw them light off a canon filled with candy...it was literally raining candy down on us. And because it was fired by a canon, all of the candy was slightly burned and had a nice smokey taste to it. The boys rode horses, saw how horseshoes were made, saw old time back robberies, had tug of wars.

Becks also competed in a watermelon eating contest. Halfway thru, he looked up at me and said 'All done.' I had to give him a stern look as I told him, 'No way, keep going, bring me home that Watermelon eating title.' He sadly shook his head in disgust and kept on eating. It is not a cheap park, but you can have a fun day hanging out there.
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