Once again, sorry for the long delay in posting again. I will try and do better. Every 24th of July in our neighborhood, we have a party. It is fun to get everyone together, have some food and shoot off some lame fireworks (usually a collection of pops, sparklers and smoke bombs). In the past, we have done pot luck, grilling up meats, just doing snacks...but this year, we went all out. We hired out a Taco truck and the fun began. Our guy showed up an hour and a half before we were to start so that he could get cooking. We had a tasty selection of spicy pork, chicken and steak.
We had a good turnout and had a lot of fun. We even had a friend, Friend M, bring awesome fireworks so everyone could enjoy instead of just 2 year olds. We ended up going through 350 tacos among us all. I won't admit to how many I ate.
Now, we are trying to figure out what to do next year to beat that. Anyone know how I can contact the circus?